Sunday, February 04, 2007

FTL MODA!!for those who weren't aware( by Kyra Jachode)

for those who weren't aware, Fort Lauderdale debut there first fashion week beginning January 25 and lasted until the 28. Debuting designers from all over the world including several designers from are very own AIFL!!! This event is the first of many, and maybe one day fort Lauderdale fashion week will be overrun by AIFL students/alumnis! AIFL collaborated with FTL MODA so that AIFL fashion club students could volunteer to help out at the event. Organized and directed by our very own Sierra McCord, fashion design student, and headed by faculty member Mr. Milman a group of coordinators was was put together to organize over 100 volunteers for the event. Jobs included, ticket mastering, security, runners, dressers, ushering, etc. Each volunteer was able to experience each job in the event. Experiencing a live fashion show with international designers is a one of a kind experience! In addition to learning the actions for a fashion show AIFL fashion club members were able to work closely with high fashion designers, view couture fashion shows (FOR FREE), network amongst prominent guest, and get connected to other fashion design students. AIFL fashion club members thanks each member for volunteering!!!! SEE YOU NEXT YEAR!!
"Thanks to everybody that was helping at FTL Moda. You guys did great job, it wasn't going to be as easy as it was without you! I wish you good luck in the future! " Slavica
"I really liked the Fashion Show.. Its was a great experience ;)" Sofia Nicolaidis
"I just wanted to express my gratitude and thank everyone who was involved in the fashion show. The volunteers did a great job and it made our day as designers go smoothly. Best of luck to all of you.Thank you to Mr. Milman, Mr. West, Miss Adrian, The Fashion Club and everyone else who supported the shows." Eduardo De las Casas
"Special thanks to Mrs. Adrian your professional expertise was absolutely irreplaceable during the fashion week" ..unknown
"Thank you!!! I just want to congratulate you :) you line was amazing. I cant wait to see more of you. :)" ...unknown


At 12:22 PM, Blogger Chuck Nagele said...

My congratulations to the AIFL fashion department, alumni and students. As president of the college, it is so gratifying to see everyone come togehter in such a special way to create a great experience for our fashion students.

The fashion club is a great role model for all of the programs in the school and I look forward to your next endeavor.

BTW Kyra, very nice blog entry.


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